College Resources & News from CFNC


Showing 11 to 20 of 44 News Items
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Image How To Withdraw A College Application
March 1, 2023
How to Withdraw a College Application: Best Methods

There are some circumstances in which a student may need to withdraw a college application before the school makes a decision. You may have changed your mind about applying to a college or university, or you may have accepted a different offer. That’s all okay! However, once you make your decision, you should let the schools know your plans.

CFNC IMAGE Pathways To College
March 1, 2023
Pathways to College: 5 College Paths Besides a 4-Year Degree

“Where are you going to college?” It’s a common question that teens ask each other as college application or high school graduation seasons roll around. While many high school students are thinking about going away to four-year schools, there’s no one path to pursuing higher education and a career you’ll enjoy.

CFNC IMAGE Early Decision Early Action
March 1, 2023
What is the Difference Between Early Decision and Early Action?

“Early decision” and “early action” college applications allow students to do exactly what the names of the applications suggest. Students submit the early applications before “regular decision” applicants and learn whether they are accepted well before the pool of regular decision applicants.

CFNC IMAGE Out Of State College
December 8, 2022
Where to Attend College: Pros and Cons of Out-of-State Colleges

Many students want to expand their horizons when figuring out where to hang their backpacks, and for good reason. Opportunities abound for students willing to travel. Here are some benefits of out-of-state colleges.

CFNC IMAGE Best Extracurriculars
December 8, 2022
The Best Extracurriculars That Colleges Want to See on Your Application

The value of extracurricular activities is a common concern among high school students (and parents) when it comes to filling out college applications. But does it really matter that much? And if so, what are the best extracurriculars for college that you should be considering? Let’s discuss!

CFNC Image Early Decision Vs. Regular Decision
September 1, 2022
Early Decision Vs. Regular Decision: Which is Best for You?

After you’ve taken some college tours and made a list of schools and majors that are a good fit for you, the next steps will involve completing college applications. Most schools will begin accepting applications in August for the following academic year.

CFNC IMAGE Getting The Most Out Of Virtual College Tours
September 1, 2022
Getting the Most Out of Virtual College Tours

While some colleges had virtual experiences on their website before the pandemic, nearly all of them do today! Start by using the CFNC College Search Tool to create a list of schools you’re interested in attending.

Students Sitting Outside
July 14, 2022
How to Transfer Colleges and Transfer Credits

Transferring colleges or universities isn't the same as applying to college the first time. Here's what it takes to transfer colleges and transfer credits.

School Records Folder
July 13, 2022
How to Send Transcripts to College: A Step-By-Step Guide

Colleges need an official copy of your transcript. Here's how to request your transcript and what it includes.

CFNC IMAGE Community College
June 1, 2022
How to Apply to a Community College: A Complete Guide

Whether you’re a high school grad or you want to go back to school to change careers, there are ample resources to help guide you through the process. You’re already off to a great start by reading this article! Continue reading to understand the benefits of a community college education, how to apply to a community college, and where to find help as you complete the application and enrollment process.