Advantages of Attending NC Historically Black Colleges and Universities: A Rich History and a Bright Future Part 2
Ever wonder about our Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in North Carolina? Did you know that we have the oldest HBCU in the south and the largest HBCU in the country? Are you still looking at colleges to attend next fall or in the future? Attend this webinar to learn about our rich history and the wonderful benefits of attending an HBCU!
We will have Admissions Representatives from St. Augustine's University, NC Central University, Livingstone College, Johnson C. Smith University, and Winston-Salem State University. In addition, we will have Representatives from the College Foundation of North Carolina.
Come learn from wonderful folks who work at HBCUs and attended them - the love runs deep! Learn about what an HBCU can do for you and if it's the right fit for your future.
Virtual meeting information will be sent in the confirmation email and again as a reminder.
April 13, 2021
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Eastern Time